The club’s annual supper will be held as usual at The Old Doctor Butlers Head in Moorgate. Please contact Andrew Coltman if you would like to attend. Please note the dinner is open to club members and their guests. Here is the invitation.2015 Invitation
Author: SEAC Admin
30 July Assembly League Results
Here are the provisional results for the race on the 30 July in Victoria Park
2 July Assembly League Results
The fourth race in the fortieth season was held last Thursday. The men’s A team came second behind Kent AC while the B team came fifth in their competition and is in a tight squeeze between Lloyds and Vicky Park. Alan Barnes came fourth overall and now has a twenty point lead in the men’s individual standings.
17 June 2015 Bridges Relay Results
These are the final results for the relay. Apologies to to Peter Huck and Vincent Bolt for the mix up in the Men’s individual race and congratulations to Lucie Constance for her win in the Ladies’, as well as to Run Fast and Highgate Harriers Ladies for their team wins. We have two independent data files of finisher times and it became clear today that we had initially chosen the less precise file (much as toast always falls butter side down;-). {We had a number of random joggers who decided to run into the finishing funnel and this caused spurious finish times to be snapped corrupting the data set.}
Also thanks to Tim Mead for providing some photographs of the event
4 June Assembly League Results
Some good results for the club on the 4th June Assembly League. the men’s A team came second behind Serpies while the B team came third behind Serpies and Kent. Halfway through the league the A team is in second place behind Kent while the B team is is in fifth place. Alan Barnes leads the men’s individual standings, here are the results.
17 June 2015 Bridges Relay is Full
We have reached the team entry limit for this year’s race and on-line entries are now closed. It may be possible to squeeze a few more teams in if we get drops outs (as we usually do). If you still want to enter please e-mail
16/17 May 2015 Green Belt Relay
A mixed team from the club competed in this year’s Green Belt Relay coming third overall and first in the mixed teams category. Well done everyone a very creditable effort. We have some pictures of the event here. Congratulations to Alan Barnes, Jack Hillier, Matt Munro and Stephen Whitehead who won stages. The full team results are here.
7 May 2015 Assembly League Results, Vicky Park
Here are the results of last Thursday’s race.
17 June 2015 SEAC Bridges Relay
Entries for the 2015 race are now open. This is a low key highly popular relay for “Open Teams” of four male or mixed runners and “Ladies Teams” of three ladies over a 2.3 mile course which starts and finishes on Albert Embankment opposite the Houses of Parliament. The race is started at 19:30 by the chimes of Big Ben.
7 May 2015 Assembly League, Vicky Park
The second race in this year’s league is on 7 May at Victoria Park starting at 7:30pm. A flat fast traffic free road course through the park.